Coming Out

So today, I don't know what brought it on, but I spent the day thinking about my coming out experience. I have heard a lot of peoples stories, some good, some bad but all of them different. I have also learned that if I was to get a chance to do it over again, I wouldn't.

So it starts my sophomore year of high school. It was lunch time and I was sitting in the same hall with the same group of friends I had been sitting with for the last year and a half or so.. I was sitting next to my friend melissa. I nudged her and said "hey melissa, I think I'm gay..." Her reaction was PRICELESS "OMG ARE YOU REALLY!?!?!?! THATS AWESOME!!!" so that was a good start right?? I like to think so. So over the new few days I started to tell more and more people. Some of my friends took it well, others didn't.. Being in high school was hard since things like this, well spread like a wildfire.. So more and more people started knowing and asking. Before long the school knew. Then it was time to move on to the family..

This is where things took a turn, a serious down turn... You would think that your parents would support you in life. Be there for you, always and no matter what. Boy was I WRONG!!!! Ever since I came out to them, I feel as if I lost my real parents. I feel as if they do not care. I may be wrong, but its the vibe and attitude I get from them on a well weekly basis. I barely ever hear from my mom. I went three weeks without a phone call or anything. My dad seems to call when it involves money.. My parents and my brother and sister have made me feel like that I am no longer apart of my own family.. It sucks but I've finally been able to move past it. I no longer look for acceptance from them nor do I look for them to love me the same way I thought they once did.

Since then, I've had a good coming out experience, most people accept it and move on while others are too narrow minded. To those that don't like the fact that I am gay or dislike anyone because of them being gay, the problem is with you.. not us.

My friends are my family and mean the world to me. I am a love or hate guy. People either love me or hate me. Either way.. I means nothing to me.. I love my friends.. I will do anything for them.. My true friends know this. Any ways.. I hope this helps anyone that reads this, understand that My friends are my family now. And I could not ask for anything better!!! :]


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