An over night in the metro boston area in EMS..

Well last night I worked an overnight, and well it was an exciting one to say the least. The night started off easy. A Pt that happened to have a drug addiction fresh out of detox, well decided to go out and buy some more. His girlfriend's dealer was not a fan of this man, and "sucker" punched him and broke his jaw. While at the trauma center, we noticed that it was crazy night there so we dumped the pt off and left before we became some of the action.

After that I had a little bit of down time.. Some interesting calls took place while in the city, a Car into a house (pt wasn't doing so hot), some drunks.. BUT WHATS NEW RIGHT??? So over the next few hours, I did a few more calls...But while back at the trauma center mentioned above, a Section (crazy person that is under protection of a hospital) decided that they no longer wanted to be a guest and walked right out the ambulance bay doors. A few seconds later, the nurse comes out screaming for someone to go get her back....and OUT THE DOORS I WENT..I gave security a little heads up and preceded to chase this insane lady down the road. I caught up to her and security wasn't too far behind.. She was not impressed and fought the ENTIRE WAY BACK to the hospital where security preceded to 4-point her screaming self to the stretcher...

Now we all know new england weather and the storms we have been having, WELL as I am walking out the ambulance bay doors, mother nature decides to take a piss right on downtown boston. IT POURED, like DOWN POURED for 30 minutes with tremendous thunder and lightning....While all this is going on, a town that we cover for EMS, strikes a box for a house fire. (poor guy)... The rest of the night was spent doing pointless calls keeping me awake and running all over the damn place... All of this was done with a smile on my face and I never lost my sense of humor...(ask the people i work with... im like coffee without the harmful side effects)

All in all it was a crazy night and I hope maybe one day, ALL OF YOU can share that experience.... Because I sure as hell, never want a night like that again...


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